Which Groups of People Are At Most Risk From the Coronavirus

Which Groups of People Are At Most Risk From the Coronavirus

WHO recognized COVID-19 as a pandemic. There are already more than 1000 cases of infection have been confirmed in the USA now, the situation could be wors if there will not be proper prevention. Much is not known about the new coronavirus, but at the moment, about 80% of infected people have a mild or moderate form of the disease, 15% have a severe one, and 5% have a life-threatening condition. In China, mortality is about 3%, so far there is not enough data for analysis in the world.

Here is what is known about how the disease progresses in different groups of patients:


According to WHO, in patients older than 60 years, the disease often proceeds in a more severe form. The highest mortality rate is among patients 80 years of age or older. According to a report analyzing more than 72 thousand case histories, in China, the mortality rate in this group was approximately 15%. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends senior citizens avoid crowded places and travel whenever possible.


The situation is the opposite in the case of children. They are less likely to become infected than adults. In China, there were no recorded deaths of children from the virus; a severe form rarely develops. Scientists have not yet been able to find a reason for this. They suggest that the case may be in healthy lungs or strong immunity. However, children can be carriers of the disease, so they, like adults, need to wash their hands regularly. For the same reason, schools are closing down in infected areas.

People with chronic diseases

According to WHO, patients with hypertension, kidney disease, cancer or diabetes have a higher risk of complications and death. According to reports, the mortality rate reaches 9% among patients with diabetes and 8% in hypertensive patients. In order to prevent people with chronic diseases, it is recommended to stay at home, avoid crowded places and stock up on medicines for the future.

Everybody else

In healthy adults, the disease usually proceeds in a relatively mild form. But in case of infection, even if your condition is not so serious, you can still be a danger to other people — especially to those at risk. That is why patients need to stay at home and not contact other people until they recover completely — even if you feel that you are quite able to get to work.

Not everyone can work from home, avoid travel and crowded places. Nevertheless, if you can take such measures, do it even if no infections have been reported in your area and you are afraid to appear to be paranoid. According to WHO, it is people in healthy countries that can change the course of a pandemic.

Picture Credit: Unsplash

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