After recovering from coronavirus, people may suffer from impaired lung function, doctors warn. In some patients, it decreased by a third, and they suffocate even when walking fast. The long-term effects of the disease are not yet known.
To speed up recovery from coronavirus, doctors recommend stopping smoking, drinking less alcohol, exercising, eating healthy foods, drinking more water, just resting, and controlling weight.
Most people with the new coronavirus tolerate it as a common SARS. Actually, this disease is SARS but is caused by a previously unknown pathogen.
It is also noted that WHO estimates mortality from COVID-19 at 3.4%. But it is worth remembering that for 96.6% of patients this ailment will not have such consequences.
The duration of recovery after coronavirus can last from one week to a year. Such conclusions were made by physicians from the British Center for Perioperative Care.
Most people show only mild symptoms of COVID-19, after which recovery usually takes a week, or maybe longer. High fever indicates that the disease continues. The cough may recur for several weeks when the coronavirus has been cured. In the first week after recovery, a person can feel weakness and fatigue, experience difficulties even in such everyday activities as making tea or dressing. In this case, it is necessary to provide the patient with sufficient time for rest, a healthy diet, and copious water consumption.
If the disease is severe and the patient is connected to the ventilator due to a lack of oxygen, after recovery he may experience deep fatigue and breathing problems. This is because the lungs have not yet recovered after inflammation. Physical recovery in this case, as a rule, takes from two to eight weeks.
With more serious forms of the disease, it can take more than a year to recover.
To quickly regain their health, doctors recommend stopping smoking, drinking less alcohol, increasing exercise time, and maintaining body weight within normal limits.
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